Exhibition: Powell Gardens, Kansas City, MO

"Paphiopedilum" Cynthia Padilla

ORCHIDS & HYDRANGEAS EXHIBITION http://orchidsandhydrangeas.blogspot.com/
Powell Gardens, http://www.powellgardens.org/ Kansas City, MO
March - April, 2007

In conjunction with the conservatory exhibit, visiting artist Cynthia Padilla's curated exhibition on the theme includes: Greg Allikas, Rita Bowen, Beth Brooks, Barbara Brown, Jill Campbell, Karen Harding, Janet Haefner, Hilary Hitchcock, Julie Jennings, Sandra Kay Johnson, Barbara Reser, Jennifer Schaudt, Karen Sistek, Merridee Joan Smith, Malinda Welte, Carol Wickenhiser Schaudt.


Anonymous said...

Much success with the Exhibit......the orchid in this email is beauitful....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting Junanne and yes, the orchid you see here is mine. Thanks for the compliment. I am also a fan of your work as an exhibiting artists and your accomplishments as a curator.
Cynthia Padilla